Plus supermarkets

ADM Automaten has been supplying Plus supermarkets with hot snack vending machines for many years, with some surprising results. In addition to the traditional assortment of snacks, there is also a number of bakery products on offer, such as sausage rolls and frikandels, which are popular among students.
At PLUS Linssen in Heerlen, they chose to purchase two hot snack counters in black, equipped with a coin-operated and contactless payment system.
Supermarket owner Mathieu explains that there were a few reasons that led them to decide to purchase the window vending machines: “Firstly, scent is a very important element when entering a supermarket. It often creates a feeling of hunger in customers, making them more inclined to buy a snack. Feeling hungry also boosts grocery sales. The second reason is that a supermarket is also often seen as a meeting place, where people like to linger for a while and chat. And they like to do this while enjoying a snack”.
For some time now, Plus Arts in Landgraaf has had no fewer than three mobile snack counters with a total of nine electronic vending machines and, of course, contactless payment.